Camille Leuregans, 29, a former top-level swimmer, gives us her advice on (re)taking up swimming.
This coach swam every day, twice a day, from the time I was 11 until I was 21.
She loved the long-distance crawl, but also the butterfly and backstroke sprints.
Today, she trains all types of swimmers, from complete beginners to triathletes, to improve their swimming skills via 100% online courses.
What are the different swims and their benefits?
In swimming, there are 4 different strokes: front crawl, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly. Front crawl and backstroke are alternating strokes, i.e. you turn one arm after the other, while breaststroke and butterfly are simultaneous strokes, i.e. you turn both arms at the same time. All 4 strokes are beneficial for the swimmer, but if the stroke technique is not mastered and worked on, you can quickly injure yourself rather than benefit. For example, neck, lumbar and/or knee pain can quickly set in. But if technique is mastered, you can develop endurance, strength and flexibility through the 4 strokes.
How often should you go to the pool to enjoy these benefits?
There's no point in doing 5 sessions a week for 2 weeks, then stopping for 1 month. The ideal is to start with a reasonable and easily attainable goal, 2 sessions a week for example, then, if you wish, you can move up to 3 sessions a week.
How long are your recommended sessions?
If the swimmer only knows how to swim an approximate breaststroke, a 30-minute session with lots of technique is enough to progress. However, if the swimmer has mastered all 4 strokes and is looking for performance, sessions of up to 1h30 can be envisaged.
Is it advisable to do several swims in one session?
Again, this depends on the swimmer's level, but if the strokes are mastered, alternating front crawl and backstroke helps to work antagonistic muscles and thus avoid injury. And above all, it makes the sessions more fun.
You can find Camille's advice on