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Why do pimples disappear during the summer and reappear at the start of the school year?

August 05, 2024

Many people notice an improvement in their skin during the summer months, but unfortunately, pimples and blemishes often resurface at the start of the new school year. Understanding why this happens can help you take the right steps to maintain healthy, radiant skin all year round.

Summer skin enhancement

1. The sun :
The sun's UV rays have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, helping to reduce bacteria on the skin and reduce inflammation. This dries out pimples and reduces redness. What's more, the sun can help control sebum production, limiting the appearance of blemishes. However, prolonged exposure to the sun can dry out the skin. In response to this dryness, the skin compensates by producing more sebum. This defense mechanism can make the face look greasy and, paradoxically, cause pimples to appear some time after sun exposure. That's why it's crucial to nourish the skin properly during this period.
Even so, it's essential to use sunscreen to avoid long-term skin damage.
2. Stress reduction :
During the vacations, stress levels drop, reducing cortisol production. This stress hormone can increase sebum production, promoting skin breakouts. So, less cortisol means less sebum and fewer pimples.
3. Change of routine :
In summer, we often use less make-up, allowing the skin to breathe better and the pores to stay clear.

The reappearance of pimples at the start of the new school year

1. The sun :
The study "Sun exposure, a relevant exposome factor in acne patients and how photoprotection can improve outcomes." Published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology in June 2023 reveals that although solar radiation can temporarily improve acne lesions, it can also induce pro-inflammatory and profibrotic responses, as well as produce post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and/or post-inflammatory erythema. This will trigger acne flare-ups.
2. Increased stress :
Returning to work or school increases stress levels, stimulating the production of cortisol and, consequently, sebum. Climatic changes, particularly the transition to a cooler, drier climate, can upset the skin's moisture balance, making it more vulnerable to imperfections.
3. Change of care routine :
Returning to the use of certain cosmetic products, sometimes heavier or comedogenic, can clog pores and cause pimples. To avoid this, it's crucial to maintain a proper skincare routine and use the right cosmetics.

How can I prevent pimples from reappearing?

1. Use a mild cleanser:
Start by using a mild, non-aggressive cleanser, such as the purifying charcoal cleanser by Yodi. It gently cleanses your skin, leaving it soft and purified. Sulfate-free, it eliminates impurities without irritating the skin.

2. Nourish your skin:
Contrary to popular belief, drying out your skin to treat imperfections is counterproductive. In fact, skin attacked by the sun will then produce more sebum to protect itself, which can make the face look greasy and cause pimples to appear. It is therefore preferable to nourish your skin, especially after exposure to the sun. Yodi offers you Shake-itjojoba oil (which mimics the skin's natural sebum), purifying charcoal and a prebiotic. This oil also contains Bakuchiol, the plant equivalent of retinol, which offers a highly effective anti-imperfection action.

3. Soothe inflammation with photobiomodulation: 
Photobiomodulation offers an effective solution for calming inflammation and reducing pimples. This technique uses soft lights, notably red and infrared, to promote skin healing. By applying photobiomodulation on the face, we can soothe inflammation by helping cells to function better. The result? Healthier, clearer skin, just in time to face back-to-school with confidence. At Yodi, we offer 12-minute and 20-minute single or subscription photobiomodulation sessions with Lucibelle's OVE mask. Book your session at 27 avenue Victor Hugo 75116 here. We also offer purchase of this mask for your personal use at home.

Finally :

By adapting your skincare routine with the right cosmetics and taking seasonal changes into account, you can maintain clear, healthy skin all year round. Yodi products and the OVE mask offer you a complete range of solutions for every skin type, guaranteeing healthy glowing skin even at the start of the new school year. Remember, well-maintained skin is happy, radiant skin! 

Sources :

Piquero-Casals, J., Morgado-Carrasco, D., Rozas-Muñoz, E., Mir-Bonafé, J. F., Trullàs, C., Jourdan, E., Piquero-Martin, J., Zouboulis, C. C., & Krutmann, J. (2023). Sun exposure, a relevant exposome factor in acne patients and how photoprotection can improve outcomes. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology.

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