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ITW L'Indiscrète - Élodie Garamond (Le Tigre Yoga)

04 November 2022

Elodie Garamond is the woman who brought yoga to the masses in France. 

Ten years after opening the first Tigre Yoga in Paris, Elodie continues on the path to well-being with Le Tigre Yoga Play, an international platform offering yoga, Pilates, meditation, sophrology... classes for all levels and accessible at any time of day.

Your news:

I'm continuing to expand my digital platform, Le Tigre Yoga Play, which is going international with the arrival of new teachers from the USA, Switzerland, Australia... It's fabulous the range of possibilities offered by this new way of sharing yoga!

At the same time, I'm building new partnerships for retreats and premium events, like with Le Ponant, on which I'll be boarding every yoga cruise from now on! 

Your mantra:

Freedom means saying yes to whatever life throws at you. 

Your favorite book :

The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov

Your favorite movie : 

Peau d'Ane 😊

Your favorite song : 

James by Billy Joel

The place where you feel good :  

The mountains in every season!

Your autumn food routine:

All the seasonal vegetables that nourish us with the earth's energy: grilled, roasted, in soups... which I season with lots of spices, cardamom, fennel seeds, coriander, ginger...

Your favorite food :

Miso eggplant

Your favorite junk food: 

Does tarama count? 😊

Your favorite sport :


Your wellness secret :


Your favorite wellness expert :

Elena Brower and Susanna Harwood Rubin

 Your beauty routine for autumn:

A warm sesame oil massage every night before bedtime

 Your beauty secret:

The joy

Your favorite Yodi product: 

Muesli and pure vanilla oil

How do you manage the stress inherent in all your activities? 

I always look for the positive side indirectly inherent in every negative situation, like purging toxic situations or relationships, for example. 

What's your biggest fantasy?

Crossing Kamchatka on horseback

What was the encounter that changed your life? 


What's the best advice you've ever been given: 

Give back to yoga what yoga has given you 

Élodie's favorite product is our precious muesli and pure vanilla oil. This multi-functional oil is ideal for your hair, face and body for intense hydration. Ideal for relaxing post-shower massages or a yoga session to keep your skin healthy!

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