Discover our March workshops!
Since the creation of Yodi, Hélène Azancot has enjoyed forging links with wellness experts who share the same values of transparency, cleanliness, naturalness and sustainability.
In order to share these exchanges with as many people as possible, she decided to organize events at the Yodi boutique at 27 avenue Victor Hugo in the 16th arrondissement of Paris, to highlight these inspiring people.
These experts come from different backgrounds: naturopath, author, designer, interior decorator... but they all have one thing in common: they want to make things evolve towards a healthier future.
On March 14, 2023 at 6:30 pm, Hélène will meet Lisa Nguyen, who will offer a fun and practical workshop on naturopathy. She will give her prescription and advice on beauty and well-being for the new season, spring.
Lisa Nguyen is a naturopath, trained at the Institut Supérieur de la Naturopathie and certified by the Fédération française des écoles de naturopathie since 2019, specialized in well-being massages and health speaker.
She works in my office in the 16th arrondissement of Paris, as well as in hotels in Paris and at the Maison Bien Être with Holissence.
She also provides in-company conferences and fun, practical workshops to raise employees' awareness of stress management, sleep and nutrition.
To register :
On March 21, 2023 at 6:30 pm, Hélène will meet Valerie Espinasse, who will offer a fun and practical workshop on micronutrition. She will give her prescription and advice on beauty, anti-aging and well-being.
Valerie Espinasse is a micronutritionist specializing in food intolerances, with degrees in preventive medicine and anti-aging. She has developed her own comprehensive, personalized method! Also a Doctor of Pharmacy and a specialist in phytotherapy and naturopathy, she knows her stuff!
For many years, Valérie has specialized in food intolerances and has acquired unrivalled expertise in the intestinal microbiota and its impact on health. She takes a holistic view of health, where the symptom is usually the tip of the iceberg, i.e. the consequence of several unnoticed and often long-standing imbalances.
Micro-nutrition is a natural approach to resolving the majority of pathologies through its action on metabolisms and physiological balances (digestive, hormonal, emotional, immunity, sleep, energy and weight) using trace elements, vitamins, fatty acids, anti-oxidants and phytotherapy for therapeutic purposes.
To register :
On March 28, 2023 at 6:30 pm, Hélène will meet Veronica Brown, who will offer a fun and practical workshop on stress management.
Veronica Brown is a sophrologist, master hypnosis practitioner, RNCP master coach and NLP practitioner. She has also been a sophrology and hypnosis trainer since 2015. And an author with Eyrolles.
She has created her own method, called ALIGNEE, for which she trains therapists. It's a holistic method that proposes a process of alignment on all levels: mental, physical and spiritual, in order to find one's life path and unfold one's soul.
A new book on this method will be published by Eyrolles on March 16.
To register :
A gift will be given to you at the end of the workshop.