Beauty blog
Our Yodi beauty blog brings together several articles on subjects we love and want to share with you. From beauty trends to tips for your hair and skin, our beauty blog is a source of inspiration and advice you won't be able to live without. From interviews with celebrities to expert advice, our articles will guide you through the essential beauty trends and wellness tips!
Vitamin C - benefits: a super-active ingredient for beautiful skin!
A veritable treasure trove of nature, vitamin C or ascorbic acid is famous in cosmetics for its anti-aging antioxidant properties, which play a direct role in preventing skin aging and improving its appearance. Acting...
Bakuchiol: a powerful anti-ageing plant active ingredient
A newcomer to the world of miracle cosmetic actives, Bakuchiol is a natural anti-aging agent that competes with retinol. You've probably already heard of or even used a serum or cream...
Meet Veronica Brown, holistic therapist
Veronica Brown : Thérapeute Holistique Depuis la création de Yodi, Hélène Azancot aime tisser des liens avec des bien-être qui partagent les mêmes valeurs de transparence, clean, naturelle et durabilité. Afin de faire partager...
Aloe vera: the plant with medicinal and cosmetic virtues
La plante aux vertus médicinales : Qu’est-ce que l’aloe vera ? L’aloe vera est une plante de la famille des Liliacées ou des Aloéacées appartenant au genre Aloès. Cette plante mesure entre 60 cm et 1...
Meeting with Valérie Espinasse, micronutrionist
Valérie Espinasse, micronutritionniste Quels sont les principes de la micro-nutrition ? Le but de la micronutrition est d’agir, soit en préventif soit en curatif, par des apports micronutritionnels spécifiques à but thérapeutiques. C’est une thérapie...
Your spring wellness routine
Spring is the season of renewal and rebirth. It's also an ideal time to make changes to our beauty routine. After winter, our skin needs extra care to...
5 Pilates Instagram accounts to follow
Hava Pilates @hava_pilates Original Pilates teacher, school graduate Romana Kryzanowska Keanu Pilates @keanupilates Keana's Paris Pilates studio Lugdivine Maytre @ludipilates FPMP-certified Pilates instructor