Beauty blog
Our Yodi beauty blog brings together several articles on subjects we love and want to share with you. From beauty trends to tips for your hair and skin, our beauty blog is a source of inspiration and advice you won't be able to live without. From interviews with celebrities to expert advice, our articles will guide you through the essential beauty trends and wellness tips!
Event: All about holistic beauty
Holistic beauty is a comprehensive approach to beauty that considers the individual as a whole, taking into account their physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. It emphasizes a natural and holistic approach to...
Yodi welcomes you to its boutique on March 22 for a holistic beauty day!
Journée beauté holistique : le 22 mars dans la boutique Yodi La beauté holistique est une approche globale de la beauté qui considère l'individu dans sa globalité, en prenant en compte son bien-être physique, émotionnel...