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Our tips and shampoos to get rid of greasy hair


October 13, 2022

Oily and normal hair

Greasy hair is caused by a disturbance in sebum secretion by the sebaceous glands at the root of each hair. Sebum is a natural fatty substance whose role is to lubricate the hair and protect it from external aggressors such as pollution. It also helps balance the scalp's microbiota, thanks to its fatty acid composition, which maintains an acidic pH. 

Normal hair is characterized by hair that's soft to the touch, shiny, supple and won't break. The scalp is healthy, with no dandruff or irritation day after day. On the other hand, the sebaceous glands may suffer from internal imbalance or external aggression, resulting in excessive sebum secretion. Excessive sebum secretion not only spreads over the scalp, but also runs down the length of the hair, making it greasy and heavy.

In France, an estimated 40% of the population has oily hair. 

We recommend you try our sulfate-free shampoo with almond milk! 

What causes greasy hair? 

Excess sebum in your hair is a phenomenon that can be caused by a number of different factors. Internal factors can give you greasy hair: genetics, stress, fatigue, hormonal imbalance, using a shampoo that's too aggressive, or eating a diet that's too rich in fat or sugar. On the other hand, external factors responsible for greasy hair include the use of unsuitable, overly aggressive shampoos, frequent use of chemical colorants and excessive washing. In fact, every time you wash your hair, sebum is eliminated, sending a signal to the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum to protect the scalp. If you wash your hair too often, your sebaceous glands will produce even more sebum, leading to a build-up of sebum on the scalp.

To put it simply... The more you wash your hair, the greasier it becomes and the lighter it becomes. So it's time to listen to your hair fiber and adapt to its natural rhythm. 

Which shampoo to use for greasy hair?

To avoid activating the sebaceous glands, it's important to take good care of your scalp. This starts with the use of a plant-based shampoo suitable for oily hair. The shampoo must be gentle and non-irritating, with a pH that respects the scalp. We recommend Douceur de lait d'Amande prebiotic powder shampoo, which contains gentle active ingredients and surfactants (ingredients responsible for lather). It contains no sulfates, silicones or controversial ingredients. So it won't aggress or dry out your scalp. It will wash your hair and scalp gently, and what's more, it contains a prebiotic to rebalance the scalp's microbiota and has an acid pH to respect the skin's pH. 

How do you get rid of them?

Getting rid of greasy hair can be a complex task. As you'll have realized, your hair washes and hygiene don't do everything. Pollution, hair type, shampoo composition (natural and not too aggressive), frequency, diet... it's often necessary to review each of your habits in order to get rid of excess sebum on your scalp. 

Healthy eating

Greasy hair can be caused by a lack of certain nutrients. To remedy this, we recommend a varied and balanced diet. In fact, certain trace elements and vitamins are particularly well known for regulating sebum production. These include zinc, found in protein-rich foods, and vitamin B, notably B6, found in wheat germ, beans, lentils and bananas. You'll also find them in the form of dietary supplements that you can take as a course of treatment for your hair.

Use natural products to fight greasy hair 

In a previous article, we shared with you the benefits of aloe vera gel for the hair and scalp. Indeed, it's also an ally in the fight against oily hair. Its purifying and moisturizing properties are perfect for soothing your scalp and limiting excess sebum. You can apply it pure or mixed with a sebum-regulating oil, such as jojoba oil, to your scalp and roots as a pre-shampoo mask.

You can also try clay, rhassoul or Aleppo soap, which have been used for thousands of years to purify the scalp and absorb the excess sebum that causes greasy hair. These natural products can be used as a pre-shampoo mask or as a shampoo to be applied only to the roots if you have dry ends.

Our Douceur de lait d'Amande powder shampoo is perfectly suited to fine hair that regrays too quickly. It is rated 100/100 on Yuka and is made exclusively from natural ingredients.  

New habits for shampooing and everyday life

As you may have gathered, the sebaceous glands are responsible for sebum secretion, and therefore for greasy hair. To limit this phenomenon, we must avoid stimulating them. Here's our advice: 

  1. During shampooing, massage your scalp gently, not frantically, so as not to stimulate sebum secretion and limit the appearance of greasy hair.
  2. Wash your hair and rinse with lukewarm or cold water. Heat stimulates the sebaceous glands and can irritate the scalp. So, as far as possible, avoid using a heating appliance (hair dryer or straightening iron).
  3. Avoid two successive shampoos to avoid drying out the scalp.
  4. If your hair is oily at the roots and dry at the ends, you can apply a treatment after shampooing, but make sure you only apply the product to the ends.
  5. When you dry your hair, avoid rubbing it vigorously with a towel, instead blotting it gently to absorb the water or using an ultra-absorbent bamboo towel that you leave on your hair. This will limit sebum secretion and delay the onset of greasy hair. 
  6. Avoid touching your hair regularly, as this encourages sebum to migrate to the lengths, making your hair greasy more quickly.
  7. Remember to wash your brush and change your pillowcase regularly to avoid accumulating sebum, impurities or dust on your hair.

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