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Conscious beauty & responsible consumption

October 13, 2022

The "green beauty" craze continues to gather pace!

Today, we are much more attached to what we put on our skin than we were yesterday. According to a study by Blissim (formerly Birchbox), nearly 8 out of 10 consumers are concerned by green beauty.

So what's behind the term "green beauty"?

Green beauty encompasses all natural, vegan, certified organic or "clean beauty" cosmetics - beauty that's as good for the skin as it is for the environment.

And at Yodi, that's exactly how we think! We want to be as close as possible to your expectations, so that we can offer you the products best suited to your needs, while respecting tomorrow's world. That's why we've decided to give YOU a voice, and interview 4 of our Yodistas about their awareness of the need for greener consumption and beauty routines. 

Beauty yes, but not just any beauty 

Today, as consumers, we are increasingly informed and alert when it comes to the products we buy: composition, active ingredients, concentration... We go through everything with a fine-tooth comb. 

" For me, the most important thingis the composition of the ingredients and the active ingredients present in a product. I attach a lot of importance to the concentration to see if the product contains useful active ingredients or not. I don't like a product with too many superfluous ingredients. " introduces Aurélie, entrepreneur and founder of LetsGlow Green, a podcast dedicated to the latest green trends.  

This vigilance is reinforced by a quest for meaning, a desire for knowledge, but also a genuine concern for our health. We are now aware of the irritation that can be caused by certain synthetic ingredients in perfumes and preservatives, and we are reading labels more and more carefully. What's more, many dermatologists are noticing a growing number of skins sensitized by pollution, stress...

" Ihave very reactive skin, so I have to find products that my skin can accept. For me, looking at the composition of products is a desire, but above all a need, for my skin " stresses Morgane, a business school student in Annecy.  

Many are looking for proof and don't expect to be fooled, as consumers become increasingly expert. Deborah, a former beauty blogger who has turned influencer marketer, explains: " I don't judge conventional brands, but I don't like brands that lie. I have a problem with a brand that claims to be natural when it's not. "

The cards are now in our hands, and beauty brands need to anticipate and be proactive in this move towards transparency. More and more attention is being paid to the composition of the products we apply to our skin, and irritant-free products are gradually becoming the new standard for natural beauty." My first concern is to know what I'm putting on my skin. When I was younger, I had several skin problems due to acne, pollution... And I tended to apply a bit of everything and anything on it to try and change that. Until I realized that my skin was becoming damaged from accumulating so many different products," adds Thomas, founder of Vanm, an eco-responsible women's fashion brand. 

A real trigger... or a gradual transition? 

This transition to a greener beauty is unique to each individual. Travel, experiences, reports... all these events can play a role in the path towards awareness. 

For some, the birth of a child is a real wake-up call, as for Déborah: " Iimmediately wanted to use cleaner products for my daughter, but also for myself. I want to set an example for her so that it becomes a natural part of her habits. " or Aurélie: " I realized that there were a lot of things that weren't necessarily good for the baby. And I gradually extrapolated this to my lifestyle: what I don't do for my child I don't do for myself either. "

For others, awareness is a gradual, step-by-step process: " It's quite recent: 1 year ago, a friend told me about an app that scans products to see if they're good (INCI beauty). Seeing the score of my products as I went along, I got scared and since then, I've decided to find clean brands without endocrine disruptors, sulfates... " explains Morgane. 

For Thomas, it was also a gradual process: " During my youth, I developed a real sensitivity to the environment. All this gradually developed, and that's how I launched my project, linking nature, biodiversity and fashion. It's awhole learning process that has matured over time. "

Changing your beauty routine... But that's not all!  

In Europe, nearly 25% of people say they want to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle, consuming less but better. Taking care of ourselves today, while taking care of the world of tomorrow. What does this mean in everyday life? 

In the world of cosmetics, this awareness is twofold: consuming natural products that are more respectful of the environment, but also products that do us good. Understand your skin and its needs, and find a beauty routine that's right for you." I've always used random products, but now I'm careful. Before, I didn't really have a routine for my skin, but for the past 1 year I've been trying to remove my make-up properly, wash my face morning and night and apply cream. " says Morgane.  

And Morgane isn't the only one to see her beauty routine change. Déborah, too, has gradually introduced new gestures, new habits: " One day as a blogger, I tried oil make-up removal and my skin was great, so I decided to adopt this gesture. Objectively speaking, I always cleanse my skin after removing my make-up. Then I add a very moisturizing serum and a night cream. It's a real routine that I can't stop doing, because I can see the results and my skin looks so beautiful and radiant. "

This shift towards greener consumption isn't just about beauty - far from it. Very often, these changes also affect our diet. Yes, what we put on our skin is just as important as what we eat! In fact, it's sometimes even a change in our eating habits that then extends to our cosmetics." First step: diet, because I realized that I was digesting certain foods much less well, and so I started to pay attention, to stop eating meat and dairy products... This then extended to cosmetics: sun creams, creams, shampoos... " describes Aurélie. 


How can I become a responsible consumer?

Contrary to what you might think, adopting responsible consumption isn't necessarily easier said than done. 

And since any big change starts with small gestures, it's possible to reduce our environmental impact without completely overhauling our habits." I no longer use plastic shopping bags, I avoid using bottled water as much as possible, I sort my waste, I don't print any more paper... Lots of little gestures that are futile but very useful " explains Thomas.

Here are our tips to help you adopt a more responsible consumption style: 

-consumelocal : consuming local and seasonal products close to home encourages employment for local artisans, while limiting the transportation of goods. 

Chooseproducts without packaging or with recyclable packaging : by buying products in bulk or by the slice, you buy only what you need. For liquids, dairy products and other products, choose glass packaging. And above all, avoid double packaging.

-prefer totravel on foot, by bicycle or by public transport

Learnhow to manage your products : sort through your waste, and wherever possible, try to give your products a second life. For example, rather than discarding faulty electronic equipment, you can entrust it to associations that will recondition it. As for textiles, a number of platforms such as Vinted have been set up to enable us to give a second life to our clothes.

It's a new rhythm that's gradually being put in place, to consume less but better." I can't say I'm a vegetarian, that I'm careful and buy products that don't respect the planet, and the world of tomorrow. " concludes Aurélie. " It's the accumulation of all these small gestures that is very important for me, always with this idea of consuming intelligently.

What to expect from green brands? 

Our commitment

Today, we're looking for commitment. From A to Z: from product concept to ingredient sourcing and tracing." For me, a beauty brand today must have a clean formulation, natural ingredients and active ingredients, and pay attention to their concentration. Above all, traceability is vital, and having passionate founders who source well will ensure a "sustainable" product explains Aurélie." To make a product today is to make a good product for tomorrow, taking into account its environmental footprint. A brand won't be if it isn't green and responsible ". This is what sustainable development is all about today: meeting our needs today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs. 

We demand transparency. INCI deciphering applications have become a real bête noire for beauty brands. According to Morgane, " For me, a green brand must openly show the composition of its products, without hiding anything. It'sall about transparency, with a real commitment, real proof and not "green washing" as many do. "

Recyclable packaging

This commitment is reflected not only in the composition of our products, but also in their packaging.

As our resources become more and more limited, waste and increased waste are frowned upon. That's why zero-waste lifestyles are gaining in popularity. 

Recycling, upcycling, solid cosmetics, biodegradable ingredients... consumer demand is growing all the time." I'm deeply embarrassed by a brand with a great composition and formulation but which uses a plastic, non-recyclable container. It's all about consistency. Wehave to take care of ourselves while taking care of the planet " adds Déborah. 



For a brand's approach to be as sincere and credible as possible, its communication must also be clear and transparent: " What I like in a brand is its real commitment, its transparency " Thomas points out." Clear communication so that you know from A to Z what's going on. A real commitment behind the company's doors, not just to fashion and trends. A real ecological background, a corporate philosophy, not just a pretty face. "

Spontaneity, freshness, dynamism: the perfect cocktail to catch the consumer's eye: " I pay close attention to the brand's state of mind and its environment. It's a bit like a couple: the brand has to match my way of consuming. I need to adhere to the brand's ethics and philosophy " insists Aurélie. 

An eco-responsible brand must now : 

  • offer formulas with ingredients identified as healthy and good by consumers,
  • be transparent about formulas,
  • use manufacturing processes that are as environmentally friendly as possible ,
  • have a positive impact on the environment.

Their opinion of Yodi 

The innovation of YODI products lies in their ability to formulate water-free products. The absence of water preserves the native qualities of active ingredients or cosmetic formulas, both during production and transportation. Our products are therefore preservative-free.

" I love the idea of not using the water in the product itself, but rather the water we use ourselves in the shower! And the fun part is switching from powder to cleansing milk. It'sa pleasure to discover innovations like this," says Thomas." Ilove the idea of doing good for your skin while doing good for the planet. "

At Yodi, we focus on efficiency and quality. Our aim is to offer products designed with as little plastic as possible and support the zero waste movement." The innovation of the powder is top-notch, and the containers are brilliant! The principle of returnable capsules and the recyclable aluminum bottle is great. " says Deborah. 

And yes, we have chosen to use aluminum bottles, which are infinitely recyclable, PP capsules (recyclable) and wood cellulose labels." What I really like is all the work done on ethics, commitment, eco-design and traceability. The packaging is well thought-out, with very little plastic. It's very important today and will be even more so tomorrow," says Aurélie.

Each active ingredient has been traced and sourced. All the ingredients of our products are indicated on the front of the bottles." Ilove the 100% green and transparent aspect. I think it's really great to be able to know exactly what ingredients are in the products, and how many there are. To really know the composition of the product " concludes Morgane." There's a real effort put into both the composition and the concept. "

Conscious beauty 

Reinventing beauty consumption through innovative, effective, natural and committed products. Taking care of ourselves while also taking care of others. Consuming beauty products while protecting the environment. This is our vision of conscious beauty at Yodi. Yet there are many interpretations behind these two words: 

" Beauty that makes good products for today, but also for tomorrow and for future generations. The question is: Tomorrow, what impact will I have on the environment and the planet? Knowing what product I have in my hands. " describes Aurélie. 

For Morgane, it's all about " products with a good composition and above all respect for the body. brands that don't do 'green washing', that have a real eco-responsible commitment. "

As Thomas explains: " For me, it's above all a question of awareness, both for the consumer and for the brands. For the consumer, it's a question of knowing what you're putting on your skin, what you're using. For the brand, it's about transparency, explaining what's in the product's composition, but also what's behind the products: the brand's commitment, values and vision. "

Déborah, on the other hand, prefers to talk about " beauté en conscience, as if we were intellectualizing the beauty ritual to please ourselves. "

Clean formulation, eco-designed packaging, transparency and commitment: these are the watchwords of tomorrow's green brands.

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