Beauty blog
Our Yodi beauty blog brings together several articles on subjects we love and want to share with you. From beauty trends to tips for your hair and skin, our beauty blog is a source of inspiration and advice you won't be able to live without. From interviews with celebrities to expert advice, our articles will guide you through the essential beauty trends and wellness tips!
My recipes and good addresses to make facial wrinkles disappear
Wrinkles can be found everywhere on our face and neck: on the forehead, on the nasolabial folds, they can be vertical and descend from the wings of the nose to the corner of the...
How to maintain curly hair naturally?
Dull complexion: our tips for radiant skin
We all dream of a radiant complexion in any season, but to achieve this, we need to take good care of our skin, and a few daily habits are recommended. Here are our 10 tips for a healthy glow and say goodbye to your dull complexion.
Blackheads: our solutions for eliminating them
The differences between skin nutrition and hydration?
Awareness: my triggers for a greener world
Vegan and gluten-free carrot cake recipe
What if the best sulfate-free shampoo was also preservative-free?
3 tips to boost immunity, skin and hair radiance
Our morning detox tip
After the excesses of the festive season, it's time to treat yourself to a detox routine for your skin and hair. To start, there's nothing better than to begin the day by drinking a glass of hot or lukewarm water mixed with half a squeezed lemon. This helps to boost the immune system,eliminate toxins and detoxify the body and skin. Lemons also give you a radiant complexion, as they contain antioxidants and vitamin C.