Interview with Anouk Co-founder of Dijo - Well-being through the belly
Since the creation of Yodi, Hélène Azancot has enjoyed forging links with wellness experts who share the same values of transparency, cleanliness, naturalness and sustainability.
In order to share these exchanges with as many people as possible, she decided to organize events at the Yodi boutique at 27 avenue Victor Hugo in the 16th arrondissement of Paris, to highlight these inspiring people.
These experts come from different backgrounds: naturopath, author, designer, interior decorator... but they all have one thing in common: they want to make things evolve towards a healthier future.
Today, Hélène met Anouk, co-founder of DIJO.
Can you introduce yourself?
My name is Anouk, I'm 29 and I'm the proud co-founder of DIJO with my childhood friend Lisa.
What is Dijo?
DIJO is the first company dedicated to belly well-being
Why did you create Dijo?
In 2018, I lost 10 kg in 3 months, my hair was falling out and I was constantly tired. After months of medical wandering, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Basically, the body considers the thyroid to be a foreign body. To avoid taking hormones for life, I saw a naturopath who advised me to change my lifestyle. In just a few months, probiotics, a better diet and yoga transformed me. It didn't prevent me from taking 100% of the medication at the end of the chain, but it greatly reduced the dose initially prescribed. That's how I became more interested in the power of the belly. Lisa accompanied me in this process. We were both going through a professional transition. It was a turning point for us. Why weren't probiotics more widely available?
Why talk about the belly?
With DIJO, we want to make people understand that it's not normal to have stomach problems, and that it's not an end in itself. Medicines are not part of our diet, it's not normal to take them so often, and many people tend to forget that. We need to untie tongues, break taboos and provide the information we need, because the stomach is at the heart of our body's workings, and is truly the key to our health. We talk about it today as if it were our 2nd brain.
What do you think of seasonal food detox?
I'm a great believer.
Don't confuse detox with diet!
Every season, and particularly before summer or after the festive season, the word "detox" often makes an appearance in the media. And often wrongly so, since it's low-calorie diets to lose weight that are highlighted, rather than a real process of detoxification of the body. Detoxification is first and foremost a natural process carried out by our emunctory organs, in charge of ridding the body of various waste products; and starving yourself won't help. Targeting the emunctory organs with effective products to enable them to function better, while adopting a healthy lifestyle, THAT is a real detoxification cure.
Do you recommend it?
Yes, it's more than necessary for our body to help it detoxify.
On the other hand, my advice is not to wait until you're at the end of your rope to start a detox. It's a process that demands a lot of energy from the body. The emunctory organs have to cleanse themselves and release toxins into the bloodstream, which then have to be eliminated by draining as much as possible.
How do you set it up?
Our 5 tips for detoxifying the body
1. We eat well
During a detox, the aim is to stimulate the body to cleanse thoroughly! And to do this, we need to give it a little boost. The body needs a good balance between macronutrients (proteins, lipids, carbohydrates) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). We therefore pay particular attention to the composition of our plate, by following the nutritional recommendations.Once again, forget about restrictive diets that lead to frustration and an uncontrollable yo-yo effect. Instead, focus on :
- raw products
- seasonal fruits and vegetables to provide fiber and regulate hunger and satiety.
- complete meals comprising proteins, fats and carbohydrates. To respect the right balance, your plate should contain ¼ protein, ¼ starch and ½ raw or cooked vegetables and about the size of your thumb for added fat.
To find out more about the best foods to start a detox, go to here.
2. Limiting toxins
To avoid endocrine disruptors and harmful substances that overload our emunctory organs, we advise you to opt for the rawest possible diet. We also try to cut down on alcohol and cigarettes, which have particularly harmful effects, especially on the liver.
3. Don't forget to moisturize
Once the organs have been cleansed of toxins, the body must be drained to expel them once and for all, and the kidneys must be stimulated to eliminate waste carried by the blood and evacuate it in the urine. And there's nothing more effective than drinking 1.5L to 2L of water a day. You're going to tell us that you knew this, and yet a third of French people avoid it by drinking less than 1 liter of water a day*.
4. Maintain physical activity
Physical activity is one of the most effective tools for promoting the proper functioning of the emunctory organs, particularly the skin, which eliminates toxins through perspiration. You can keep fit with a minimum of 6,000 steps and small daily exercises, which can be complemented by short 30-minute sports sessions repeated 2 or 3 times a week. Working too hard? No time to get to the gym? Can't afford a personal trainer? There's no shortage of easy, free tips!
- Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
- If you take public transport, get off a few stops early.
- Forcing yourself to walk at least 2-3 minutes every hour is a good reason to drink water and improve blood circulation.
5. We rely on phytotherapy
All year round, waste and toxins accumulate in the body, impairing its ability to function properly. An unhealthy diet, alcohol, stress, medication... gradually clog up the body, until it can no longer eliminate them. Certain plants have draining and detoxifying properties. We've combined these plants in two products, Détox foie and Potion Détox, to help your body get rid of these accumulated toxins.
With these tips, you'll be able to cleanse your body from the inside and out, and ultimately regain vitality, a toned figure, a beautiful complexion and beautiful hair - all positive things in a nutshell!
What are its benefits?
Recover energy and beautiful skin!
We mustn't forget that the skin is an emunctory organ. Imperfections reflect this accumulation of toxins.
When these organs are overloaded by our consumption patterns and are no longer able to play their role, the general state of health is disrupted. Chronic fatigue, digestive problems, disturbed sleep... The emunctory organs need to be stimulated to ensure good health. The aim of detox is therefore to help the body rid itself of all the accumulated toxins it hasn't had time to process. In other words, detox cures are not designed to lose weight, but to help target organs get back on track.
What are the do's and don'ts of a successful detox?
1 - Look after your diet: plenty of fibre and stay well hydrated
2 - Work on your stress: easier said than done, but stress has recognized consequences on digestive comfort. If you're prone to transit problems, don't ignore the signs of stress
3 - Stimulating emunctory organs with phytotherapy
1 - Neglecting physical activity: the best way to eliminate toxins
2 - Eating too quickly or on the run: to facilitate the work of the stomach and intestines, it is essential to chew well. In this way, we limit the extra chopping work inflicted on the organs involved in digestion. What's more, our saliva contains digestive enzymes essential to the breakdown of carbohydrates. Taking the time to chew makes it easier to break down the food bolus and move it through the digestive tract. This reduces the fatigue associated with digestion, and helps the digestive organs to work more efficiently.
3 - Multiply dysbiosis factors: an unbalanced microbiota disrupts the entire functioning of the digestive system. Our intestinal bacteria are essential to the breakdown and digestion of our food, so we need to preserve their environment. However, we are surrounded by risk factors that can unbalance our intestinal flora, so we need to pay close attention to avoid them as much as possible. These include tobacco, alcohol, pollution, industrial food, stress, treatments such as antibiotics...
It was essential for us to put this notion of balance and pleasure first and foremost, and above all, not to dramatize it. We're here to take care of ourselves, and that's positive! Doing your best is already great!