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Back from vacation: back-to-school beauty from head to toe

And it's already the end of the vacations! We wait all year for them to arrive, and time flies when they do. We've made the most of waking up in the sun, swimming in the sea and swimming pools, enjoying aperitifs at sunset and everything else that makes summer vacations so charming. You come home in great shape, with or without a tan, weighing perhaps a little more(you have to let go once in a while) and often with very dry hair that you can't really control.

Back from vacation 

Before you head back to work, treat yourself to a beauty detox to ensure you return to school with luminous skin and silky hair! It's the perfect opportunity to establish good skincare habits that you can maintain all year round!

Mistakes we've probably all made over the summer

Between aperitifs, sunbathing and adventures at sea... The watchword was "REST". So in summer, it's normal and healthy to take the pressure off your beauty routine. What can you do next summer to correct these few mistakes and return home with super-healthy skin and hair?

Hair and summer, the great love story

Hello summer, hello relaxation and spontaneity. You've spent a summer of pleasure with your feet in the sand, and it's clear that caring for your hair has taken a back seat. And yet, as we know, you love summer hair, and often refuse to cut it beforehand because you like to enjoy the lengths when you get back from the beach... 

If you don't have all the information you need to take good care of your hair, you'll end up with split ends dry, broken or bleached. So we're going to tell you everything you need to know so that next year, protecting your hair is as easy as swimming to the buoy. 

Hair and sun exposure 

Hair dries out and becomes brittle: UV rays are the main culprit. 

To prepare your hair for long sunbathing, don't hesitate to apply a generous amount of vegetable oil to your lengths. Cold-pressed organic oils such as Huile Précieuse Muesli and Pure Vanille are ideal for forming a protective barrier on your lengths and avoiding the need to cut off those overly dry ends when you return from vacation. 

Do not use moisturizing shampoos and conditioners

When we travel, mainly due to a lack of space in our suitcases, we often take fewer products with us than we can find in our bathroom. The ideal routine is the simplest, the easiest to carry in your luggage, the one least likely to run or spill, and above all, the most effective. Here's the trifecta for dry hair care: 

Natural hair masks and vegetable oil baths for preventive use before, during and after exposure to the sun. With this combination, your mane will be deeply nourished. 

A light, easy-to-carry shampoo enriched with plant oils. Yodi Nutritive Argan shampoo contains organic Argan oil, ideal for gently cleansing and nourishing your hair after a good sea bath. 

A nourishing sun conditioner, preferably natural. 

Not rinsing your hair after swimming

In summer, we don't really want to deprive ourselves of the absolutely divine pleasure of putting our heads under water. It's out of the question! 

But whether it's after a swim in the sea or a pool, it's very important to always rinse your hair with clear water. 

But as we all know in practice, all it takes is a call for an aperitif, some hot sand under our feet and we're out of the water, forgetting our good habits. Remember that chlorine and salt weaken your hair, which is already weakened by UV rays. So, to avoid the "straw mane" effect, it's very important to always check your shower at the beach or pool before jumping into the water. 

Hair's natural pH is acidic, while that of iodine and seawater salt is basic. Prolonged exposure to seawater unbalances your hair's natural PH, and this is often when dryness problems begin.  

It's not much better with chlorine, which removes your hair's protective oils, leading to the same result: dry, dehydrated hair. For blondes with highlights or balayage, chlorine tends to turn your pretty blonde locks into green streaks. So it's essential to rinse your hair thoroughly every time you get out of the bath. 


Rubbing your hair with your beach towel

When you get out of the bath or shower, your hair dripping onto your shoulder isn't very pleasant, and you quickly reach for a towel. 

If you've never rubbed your hair in a towel for quick drying, raise your hand!

 Of course, nobody raises their hand. We all do it, and not just on vacation! But this is a mistake, because friction weakens the hair fiber and makes your hair drier and more brittle.

Once you've rinsed your hair with clear water, we recommend a natural blow-dry or a terry towel or micro-fiber towel. You'll see the results are amazing in the long term.

Forget your scalp 

We tend to forget it, but the scalp functions exactly like the rest of the body's skin: 

so it requires the same protection and attention.

Important information that will grab your attention: a healthy scalp influences the whole head of hair. And an irritated, mistreated scalp means hello split ends. So I don't need to tell you how important it is to pamper your scalp with the right scalp shampoo. 

If you don't want to get sunburned or peel off your skin, you can use clear sun spray, which guarantees skull irritation and itching too. 

Don't hesitate to wear a scarf or hat on hot days.

Putting skin care on the back burner

In summer, our skin looks golden and healthy, and we tend to leave it free to breathe. 

During the day, our faces are often wet, so it's not necessarily pleasant to put cream on them, it gets in our eyes, we eat it... In summer, we prefer to eat ice cream.

When you're a good student, you put on cream at the start of the day, but forget to reapply it regularly. And here we are on September 1, with "old crocodile effect" skin, but with the impression that we've done EVERYTHING right. We'll explain: 

Sunscreen is your best friend

Put an end to the absurd belief that "sunscreen prevents you from tanning". On the contrary, with sunscreen, your skin will color at a normal, healthy rate, and you'll get a tan that's not only prettier, but more even and longer-lasting! For sunscreen to be effective: 

  • Apply it generously. This will help prevent the appearance of spots, aging skin, skin cancer and, less dramatically, looking like a sunburned lobster for the first 4 days of your vacation. 
  • Apply generously and regularly. To give yourself a rhythm every 3 hours, spread it on your face and neck. 
  • Choose a sunscreen with a sufficiently high SPF, and one whose formula does not pollute seawater and the biodiversity it shelters. Protect yourself and the seabed, which "didn't come here to suffer".

Moisturize your skin, it needs it!  

When you're hot, you're thirsty, and for your skin it's much the same story. Among the many effects of the sun on the skin is dehydration and loss of elasticity. The result is drier, less firm skin. 

If you love swimming in the sea, you've no doubt felt the urgent need to rinse your face after a few swims. 

To avoid skin pulling, which is not very pleasant, it is really important to apply cream: 

  • Before every exposure to the sun (even if it doesn't feel like it, it's clearly there)
  • At each exposure (Sunscreen, thick layer, every 3 hours) 
  • After each exposure, a good moisturizing mask or a little vegetable oil after the sun before going to bed. Our Muesli and Pure Vanilla Precious Oil is perfect for deep skin hydration. 

By following these recommendations, your skin will be supple, smooth and tanned all summer long, and even beyond. 

Putting on too much makeup... then taking it off badly

Make-up or no make-up? For those who wear make-up during the day, if your foundation contains SPF, it helps protect your skin from UV rays. So it's a good ally.

On the other hand, be careful with the composition of your make-up products: if they contain perfume, they contain associated allergens that can potentially attack your skin when combined with heat and UV rays.

Summer make-up is totally okay, but don't skip the make-up removal step. It's a step that, frankly, is always very tempting to skip when you're exhausted and in a hurry to get back to bed. Not removing make-up leads to : 

  • Particles that accumulate and clog your pores
  • Dust and pollution remain on the skin 

And the result of poorly cleansed skin is clear: the appearance of pimples. If you want to move towards healthy skin, never forget that the first and easiest step is to remove make-up. 

Perfume yourself before exposure 

Summer fragrances are life. The scent of monoi, vanilla, the sea - just thinking about it brings back our best summer memories. And yet we're going to advise you against spraying yourself with perfume before exposing yourself to the sun. Why deprive yourself? Well, conventional perfumes contain alcohol and essential oils, a highly photosensitizing combination.

 In short, if hyperpigmentation and brown spots don't tempt you, we understand! Forget the classic fragrance. 

If it's unthinkable for you to leave home without a favorite scent, choose clean, safe compositions instead of classic fragrances, in mist or oil form, like our Muesli and Pure Vanilla Oil.

"After the vacations, I decided to do a hair care rehab! "

Back-to-school is the time to start or resume good habits. Here are a few tips for taking care of your hair, without necessarily needing to cut off 5 centimetres of split ends, and continuing to live your best life in seawater and in the pool all summer long. 

Oil to the rescue for dry, split ends!

 An oil bath before shampooing is an essential treatment that will restore a little life to your dry hair after the summer sun. 

  • Choose your natural, vegetable oil. 
  • Apply to dry lengths and ends
  • Wrap your hair in a towel or charlotte
  • Leave for several hours 
  • Rinse and shampoo naturally

A word of additional advice: above all, avoid applying the oil too close to your roots, as this could weigh your hair down and lead to greasy hair.  

Quick: a moisturizing mask!

A good natural moisturizing mask can regenerate your hair when you return from vacation. A moisturizing mask is generally applied after shampooing, and will leave your hair feeling soft again. For a good treatment : 

  • Spin your hair well 
  • Apply the treatment to your lengths. The aim is to apply generously, without wasting product. There's no point in using half the pot - if the hair is well towel-dried, the treatment will be effective. 
  • Wrap your hair in a dry towel for about ten minutes. 
  • Repeat the operation once a week. 

And that's it, your hair is soft and silky again at this stage.  

Calling a hairdresser

If you want to get your hair cut before the summer, our advice is to wait until the start of the school year. The return from vacation is the ideal time for a new cut, which will also get rid of damaged ends. For those who don't feel like switching to a bob, cutting off just a centimeter is enough to get your hair back into shape. For those with color-treated or highlighted hair, it's also a good time to revive sun-damaged hair. And frankly, is back-to-school really back-to-school without a back-to-school haircut and a new head of hair? 

"I go back to work in 15 days: it's time to take care of my skin".

When we return from vacation, we look radiant! We're generally rested, we drank a lot more water during the day than usual, our complexion is tanned: in short, we're at our best and we just want to stay that way!  

3 key steps to a well-cleansed face

Taking care of your skin is a routine we recommend as soon as the new school year starts. If you follow these 3 steps on a daily basis, your skin problems should gradually disappear.

  1. Remove make-up and cleanse your face with a gentle, natural cleanser. For incomparable radiance, we recommend Hibiscus cleanser with natural vitamin C. 
  2. Tone by applying lotion.
  3. Spray on a little thermal spring water to remove traces of limescale from the water. 

Scrubbing instructions

A good scrub removes dead cells and impurities from your skin. After gentle cleansing : 

  • Apply the scrub with a circular massage on clean skin. 
  • Avoid doing more than one a week to avoid damaging the skin.  

I'm clinging to my tan       

We all dream of keeping that healthy glow for as long as possible? It's amazing how a slightly golden face can boost your self-confidence. To keep it as long as possible, there's no secret: moisturize to the max and exfoliate from time to time. If you don't think you'll survive the loss of your tan, why not consider a tan extender. 

The art of moisturizing

Your skin has been exposed to a few external aggressions during the vacations, so here are a few solutions to ensure its rehydration. Opt for a moisturizing cream in the morning, and a nourishing care product in the evening. Choose long-lasting moisturizers. And drink plenty of water... you'll feel the positive effects on your skin. 

What to do about sunburn?

It's the most common immediate adverse effect of the sun on your skin, and the most unpleasant. Sunburn is a burn caused by ultraviolet rays (the famous UV rays) and is extremely painful. It's hot, itchy and you're red, but really really red.

So that this bad moment doesn't spoil your vacation, don't hesitate to apply soothing after-sun creams or specific emulsions for burns as soon as possible. Pure aloe vera is an excellent active ingredient for soothing and repairing the skin! But above all, learn your lesson for next summer, and take good care of your skin before exposing yourself, and don't forget your sun cream. 

Preventing pimples from coming back

Yippee, with the sun you can't see your pimples! Sorry to break the mood, but it probably won't last. The sun makes pimples disappear temporarily (yet another reason to make summer your favorite season).

The only real, lasting solution for clearing pimples is a healthy, effective beauty routine based on 3 pillars: 

  • Clean 
  • Gum 
  • Moisturize 

If you're not at 1.5 liters a day, challenge yourself to reach it. Avoid foods that are too fatty or too sweet, and put things into perspective: it's not the end of the world, it'll get better in the end. Keep your summer memories in a small corner of your mind to remind you of them this winter, and approach the start of the new school year in rehab and serenity mode. And off we go again for another year!


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