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Awareness: my triggers for a greener world

I'm Shanna, 21. Communications student, dance enthusiast, travel fan, gourmet and vegetarian.

A greener world 

What's your main beauty concern?

My beauty concern is what I put on my skin. As I have sensitive skin, I'm careful about what I put on it to avoid unpleasant surprises. I use mainly natural products on my face, and a few that still contain chemicals, but in small quantities. 

I've hardly ever worn make-up, so skincare is very important to me. 

What triggered your interest in clean health and beauty (body, environment, nutrition, health, lifestyle)?

Sadly, my beauty trigger was acne and the scars it left behind. For the past 3 years, I've done nothing but educate myself about what's good for my skin and what isn't. I've never been able to do anything about it.

My environmental/nutritional triggers often come as a result of documentaries I watch. In 2016, I became interested in the animal cause and watched a lot of videos about it. So I became a vegetarian as a result, and it's one of the best decisions I've made in my 20 short years.

In 2018, I watched the documentary The True Cost: a poignant documentary about the textile industry and what lies behind it. 

In 2019 I took my courage in both hands and I eliminated Fast Fashion from my life to turn to la seconde main : second best decision of my life that taught me a lot!

A lot has happened in a very short space of time, thanks to documentaries but also thanks to social networks (although they have many negative points) and influencers who talked about these subjects. 

Next trigger, I hope: a healthier lifestyle. 

What has changed concretely in your routine?

In concrete terms, I stopped buying petrochemical cosmetics. I turned tocleaner brands, but I now know that even these "green" brands aren't perfect. So I'm waiting for the brand that won't disappoint me on any aspect (or at least, that will disappoint me less than the current brands).

I've also stopped eating meat and fish, and I hope to eliminate all animal products from my diet in a few years' time, but for the moment I don't feel ready. 

Finally, I've stopped going to Zara or H&M. I'm now a follower of thrift stores and Vinted and I know it makes a difference. I see a lot of people around me taking the second-hand route and is a really good sign.

What are your small gestures for the planet?

Even if I buy second-hand, I think twice before making a purchase. As the textile industry is the 2nd most polluting, I pollute less than before thanks to second-hand clothes. By becoming vegetarian, I also pollute much less. 

Finally Iavoid plastic, I use a stainless steel water bottle, a bamboo toothbrush, a solid shampoo, a tote bag and a stainless steel straw. I refuse to use plastic bags in stores . I can assure you that these small changes make a big difference. 

Obviously I'm not perfect, I love to travel and to cross the ocean, cycling is not an option. I'm telling you this because I think that in our ecological transition, the important thing is not to blame ourselves for what we haven't yet changed, but rather to congratulate ourselves on our small changes

What do you ask of a green beauty brand today? 

What I'm interested in today is honesty and transparency. I don't want to be called organic if only 10% of the ingredients are organically grown. I want to know everything, that's how I create a bond with a brand. I also want a brand that my sensitive skin has nothing to fear, with ingredients that are gentle but effective. A little more naturalness and fewer lies, that's what I want.

What do you like about Yodi's approach to beauty?

What I like about Yodi is its transparency ! But also the fact that the products contain no water, just powerful, effective active ingredients .

Finally, the innovation of the powders, which I even find playful. For the moment, my favorite product is the 3 Oils Facial Cleanser. But I can't wait to try others.

What does conscious beauty mean to you?

For me, conscious beauty means taking care of your skin and body, while being aware of what you put on it and what it will do for you. Conscious beauty means choosing your skincare products with a certain amount of care, and turning to products that are truly adapted to your needs.

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