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Françoise, portrait of a passionate swimmer

Françoise, portrait of a passionate swimmer 

- Who are you?

My name is Françoise, and I've just turned 60. I have two grown-up boys and live alone in Dijon, where I work.

"Water is like a cocoon, a soft envelope, you float, your body becomes as light as a bubble".

- Where does your passion for swimming come from?

As far back as I can remember, my earliest memories are of being at the swimming pool (in Dijon!) where my mother often took my sisters and me. I must have been no more than three or four years old at the time, and I can vividly recall the little paddling pool in which I frolicked for hours, and my two-piece swimsuit with which I was head over heels in love.

Then we moved to Paris, where my father took us to a swimming pool with cabins around the pool. That's where my father taught me to swim. I wore a belt made up of cork floats and, little by little, he would remove a float until one day I was able to take off with just the strap, with immense pride and joy.

It's a real passion, water is a real cocoon, a soft envelope, you float, your body becomes as light as a bubble, it's a divine sensation!

- How does swimming benefit your body? On your mind?

I started swimming again on a regular basis three years ago and the benefits are immense and noticeable with each session. Physically, my body has been redesigned and I've built up my muscles in a very harmonious way, because every part of my body is working. But it's perhaps on the mind that I feel the most benefits. It's disturbing to think how many times I've arrived depressed, weary and sad, only to leave feeling serene, light and happy. It's truly amazing.

- When do you practice? How often? Morning, noon or evening?

I prefer to practice in the afternoon when I get off work, as I'm lucky enough to leave early. That way, I don't have to go home, otherwise I'd be too lazy to go out again. I do two to two and a half kilometers, swim for about an hour each session and go three times a week.

When I'm off duty, I sometimes go in the late morning, but never early in the morning.

- Where do you practice?

I swim in one of Dijon's pools, the one I frequented as a child, so it's come full circle. It's been completely restructured, with a fifty-meter Nordic pool open all year round. It's a magnificent pool. I feel privileged every time I go there.

- Which swims do you prefer?

I swim the crawl, breaststroke, backstroke, beats as well, I do 500 m sessions for each stroke.

- With or without palm?

With and without, as well as a kickboard and Pullboy for the arms (in crawl).

"Unless you hate water, I really don't see what could stop it."

- Do you have any advice for someone just starting out? Get started!

Many people have a misconception about municipal swimming pools (dirty, stinking of chlorine, crowded...), but they're nothing of the sort.

There's no chlorine smell thanks to the new treatments, and the cabins and showers are clean. Unless you hate water, I really don't see what could stop you.

- What's your "uniform" for swimming?

Very simple: one-piece swimsuit (Chlore brand), silicone cap, UV goggles (important as I swim outdoors), board, pullboy, fins.

- What's your beauty routine (face, body and hair) before and after your session?

I apply a protective tinted cream SPF 50 to my face every morning, and a very nourishing cream after swimming because my skin is dry and I feel the need to moisturize it!

As for my hair, nothing special. Except that I always shampoo it gently afterwards and blow-dry it very quickly. I try to do a treatment once a week at home.

- What are your favorite Yodi products?

The shampoo is amazing.

It washes hair gently and, above all, without tangles (top detangling ????????). My hair is so soft and shiny, I'm really impressed.

I also really like the exfoliating soap.

A real exfoliant, not abrasive, just effective and it doesn't dry out the skin.

As for the oil, I love it.

I mix it with my day cream and give myself a quick massage, but it's so pleasant, thanks in large part to its subtle vanilla fragrance, which is not at all overpowering.

20/20 for the 3 products ????????

I'm not a big consumer of beauty products, as I'm prone to allergies, but when I find a product that suits me I never change. I've never had a reaction, and I can handle any product without any problem ????

- Do you have any final words of advice?

If you take the plunge, you're bound to become a fan, because the benefits are so substantial. In any case, that's what happened to all the people I spoke to about it ;-) who were initially rather reserved.

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