Spiritual Detox
Food for the body and food for the soul are intimately linked. So, to be effective, a physical detox must be accompanied by a spiritual detox. One cannot be achieved without the other.
Dr. Sadeghi, regular physician to Hollywood's biggest stars, describes his method in a book entitled simply "Détox spirituelle" (Cherche Midi edition).
Among his patients, Sadeghi counts entrepreneur and actress Gwyneth Paltrow, who has prefaced his book:"His understanding of the interaction between mind, body and spirit enables him to make dramatic changes to the lives of his patients, myself included," writes the Goop founder. He understood what modern medicine is only just beginning to discover: that thoughts and emotions have a far greater influence on health than we thought. Whateverails us, complete and lasting healing must begin at a deeper level".
For a detox of body and mind
In this 40-day program, Dr. Sadeghi shares a detox to free yourself from emotional toxins. He makes the link between bodily symptoms and emotional knots. For him, body and mind work together and are linked.
Five-point spiritual detox
1. Become aware and free yourself
Thoughts stem from beliefs. During childhood, we accept as true the negative beliefs about ourselves suggested by the adults around us. How can we change our beliefs? By freeing ourselves from old beliefs. We need to pinpoint our negative beliefs by examining what we would like to change in our lives. Dr. Sadeghi reminds us that we choose our beliefs, and that such a change need not be long and painful. No matter how many years we've held these negative beliefs, we can let them go in a split second.
2. Reconnect
For Dr. Sadeghi, the answer to all our questions lies in universal consciousness. To find it, we have to stop the little bicycle of the mind; yogis say we have to stop the monkey going from branch to branch. Our intuition speaks to us constantly, but we can't hear it in the noise. We need to create calm in order to hear it. Meditation is the best method. This practice calms the mind so that the answers can come to us. Dr. Sadeghi emphasizes the tremendous healing power of meditation.
3. Taking responsibility
By positioning ourselves as victims, we remain prisoners of our ego, which loves to find excuses for what it interprets as failures. It's easier to think it's the other person's fault. So we think we don't have to take responsibility for our choices. But the mistake is that we cede all power to another person. Dr. Sadeghi encourages us to take full responsibility for our thoughts, our choices and their consequences on our lives. From that moment on, it will be possible to change absolutely everything. Full responsibility and full power go hand in hand.
4. Accepting yourself
Dr. Sadeghi believes that we are more ready to accept our failures in love or finances than our extra kilos. Unfortunately, it's impossible to truly accept ourselves as long as we regret a part of ourselves. We are a whole being. We either take it all, or leave it all. Self-acceptance means accepting ourselves completely, just as we are now! Sadeghi, encourages us to ask ourselves, when we find it hard to accept a problem, if our dog, our cat... cares.
5. The power of gratitude
Let's not forget to thank ourselves along the way, for our small victories as well as our big ones. For Dr. Sadeghi, gratitude is a very powerful frequency. It attracts more and more good things to us.
As Master Eckhart says: "If your only prayer in this life were 'thank you', that would be enough...
Better body, better mind
Dr. Habib Sadeghi works to restore the link between body and mind for widespread, lasting well-being. Here, health is the consequence of lifestyle, unconscious beliefs and emotions.
Recovering energy, feeling more alive, shedding unwanted pounds - these are all physical goals that have a significant influence on our mental equilibrium! The two are inseparable and go hand in hand to restore the harmony necessary for well-being.